Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mr. Calabrese passes on...

We were sad to learn that our long time neighbor Mr. Charles Calarese, passed away on November 12, 2012 at the age of 99 years old. We know him as "the nice guy next door" who, for the entire time we have been at 837Hudson St, has never complained of our shenanigans...and always had kind things to say about our fraternity.

He has lived on Hudson St since 1957, and was a self-employed barber. We will miss him.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Transom Window installed over inside Front Door


October 2012

The window above the interior front door was falling apart, and was removed for repair.  Further analysis showed that it was beyond repair so a new window was designed and installed.  The person who did the stained glass is Steve Genualdi from Stained Glass Gallery in Morristown NJ. When I sent him the artwork for the new design, he quickly identified as Phi Sigma Kappa.  To my surprise, he told me that he is a Phi Sig from Quinnipiac University!  Twenty years ago, he also repaired our oval window on the 2nd floor stair which today is in great shape! (side note- the wood frame on the outside of this oval window was repaired and repainted 2 years ago).

If any alumnus, or class would like to donate the cost of this new window, the cost is $ 650.

Contact Ed Giacobbe for donation details at or 908 672 1254