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- Events and News sections have been updated.
- Message board threads updated.
Congratulations to the current brothers of the Iota chapter, who pulled in a large pledge class again this year. This year's pledges are: Justin Rodriguez, Chris Dunford, Dan Taskalos, Naiem Sulaimanee, Eric Eisenhardt, Sukesh Shah, Ryan Ross, Louis Shackelfield, Brendan Trotta, James Grillo, Chris Brightman, Rostislav Goltser, John Frustaci, Tom Kopin, Kevin Schkolenko, Michael Sun, Ryan Stellar, and Michael Schulte.
The Iota Association met again this semester in March. You can read a list of the discussed topics here:
Alumni Report:
Ed Giacobbe (President)
Jose Abrantes (VP) : No report listed
Kevin McDermott (Treasurer)
Dave Battaglia (Secretary) : No report listed
Undergrad Report:
Robert Aiello (President)
Steve Lapitka (Treasurer)
Chris Cole (HM)
The Iota Association met at the house back in February for the first meeting of the semester. There was a good turnout with all of the current Iota Association members in attendance and around 20 brothers overall. You can read the summary of the meeting here:
At the Alumni Meeting on February 2, the Iota Association met for the first time this semester. In attendance were all of the officers of the iota association, with Ed Giacobbe, Jose Abrantes, Kevin McDermott, and Dave Battaglia all present. Also in attendance were: Tom Stark, Bryan Davis, Pat McCabe, Rob Aiello (Current President), John Matos, Steve Lapitka, Chris Lubin, Chris Cole, Dexter Cook, Kevin Lee, Nick Altomare, Ted Gianopoulos, Bill Nyquist, and Brian Treacy.
Alumni Report:
Ed Giacobbe (President)
Jose Abrantes (VP) : No report listed
Kevin McDermott (Treasurer)
Dave Battaglia (Secretary) : No report listed
Undergrad Report:
Robert Aiello (President)
Steve Lapitka (Treasurer)
Chris Cole (HM)